New Publication Launch
Avon Alamanac
Jack Moore's Avon Almanac, originally published in 1972 is a vivid evocation of childhood in Bidford on Avon during the 1920s.
Click on Avon Almanac for details. Currently the book is available in print form only. Copies can be purchased at the Bidford Co-op store and at Hillers shop, price £10.
On-Line Publications
Yesterday's Children
The Society's landmark publication is a Social History of Bidford from the early 20th. century. Published in 2012, this book is now available in electronic form, free of charge. This is thanks to the authors permission; Rodney Crompton, Mike Gerard (decd) Roger Leese, Sandra Parker, Mark Shaddick, Wendy Shaddick. Click on: Yesterday's Children to read the book.
15th February 1971 "D Day"
This February marks the 50th anniversary of the change from traditional currency to Decimal currency. This reflective article authored by Wendy and Mark Shaddick looks at the our historic coinage, the planning for decimalisation and how it went. Click on: 15th February 1971 to read about it.
Bidford Under The Weather
In February 2019 we mounted a display in the library of Bidford suffering weather extremes during the C20th. Primarily these were floods, but we demonstrate also examples of drought and cold winters.
The booklet that accompanies this display is published here. Copy the following link and paste it into a fresh browser page, It will open in an external website which may also have advertising that we do not sponsor.
Tales out of School
Our New Year 2020 library display provides a view of aspects of our districts schools in the period 1850-1950. We set the scene by outlining how the schools (public and private) came into being and the legal framework which set school leaving ages. We provide oral narratives from people who were local school children in the 1920's and onwards.There is a description of a Head Teacher life in the 1850's and finally extracts from school diaries which offer insights into epidemics, toddlers joining school and how the school year adapted to agricultural harvesting. Click here to see and download as a PDF "Tales out of School".
If you would like to read the document on screen you can open the book by copying the following link and pasting it into a fresh browser page, The booklet will open in an external website which may also have advertising that we do not sponsor.
The Way We Were,
This is a landscape eBooklet of a journey down the Bidford High Street during the early years of the last century. Drawing on a pictorial presentation it demonstrates how remarkably the face of Bidford has changed, possible in a way typical of many formerly agricultural villages.
You can open the book by copying the following link and pasting it into a fresh browser page, It will open in an external website which may also have advertising that we do not sponsor.
Alternatively you can download the text. If you intend to print it you will require to make a colour print. Click on this link: The Way We Were, 20th Century Bidford To download the document.
Bidford Riverside Tourist Resort
This booklet accompanies our Bidford Community Library Display. It discusses the tourism activities here in Bidford between 1870 and 1960. During this period Bidford was a populare resort for people from Birmingham and The Black Country. they came by train and charabank to enjoy the river and the Tea Gardens. The booklet is 16pages and can be found by clicking this link: Bidford Riverside Tourist Resort
Bidford History Trail
The leaflet of the trail has been printed and distributed free to all households in our area.
Electronic copies are available by clicking this text. You can print the copy.
Frank Spiers Memories
The book is available as an eBooklet in PDF format,which can be read on screen or as an electronic download; by copying the following link and pasting it into a fresh browser page: It will open in an external website.
Pandemics - a short history
Pandemics are nothing new: the Black Death of 1346-51, the Great Plague of 1664 -67, the Russian Flu of 1893-94, the Spanish Flu of 1918-20, the Asian Flu 1957-58, the Hong Kong Flu 1968-69, the Russian Flu (again!) 1977-78 all caused by variant types of the 1918 outbreak, the 2003 SARS-COV outbreak, the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic, the list goes on.
Written in2021, Mark Shaddick researched the parallels between Covid and the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, with reference to Bidford District.
Read his paper by clicking on this link: COVID-19 IN BIDFORD & DISTRICT: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE
Traditional Published Books
Have You Forgotten Yet?
Following completion of our research into those Bidford men who died during the Great War, our Research Group commenced a programme to discover the lives of the war's survivors. This outstanding book describes the lives of many men and provides also a fascinating historical background to the local after effects of war.
Copies remain available from Mark Shaddick, call 01789 778769
"Yesterdays Children"
Between 2010 and 2013 we ran a research programme to document social history in Bidford, from 1900 to 1970. During this period research was undertaken by members, a substantial number of trained volunteers.
The research was based upon verbal histories through interviews with people who had an historical experience in the area. Interviews were supplemented by documentary research of primary source material and access to photographic records and maps.
The research culminated in a landmark publication in May 2013: "Yesterdays Children", a 130 page illustrated history of the village.
The project received generous external funding from Stratford Community Fund, Bidford Parish Council and members of the History Society.
Sales of the book have reached almost 1000 copies.
Remaining copies of this book are available from the Chairman, Mark Shaddick, call 01789 778769
"We Will Remember Them"
Following 10 years research this book looks at the background which prepared Bidford for the Great War
The book chronicles the stories of the men of Bidford and district who gave their lives in the Great War. Researched by Bob Marshall and supported by our Society, this substantial publication is a landmark in our local history.
The first print run was fully subscribed and the book has been reprinted. Copies are available from the Didford Co-op at a price of £15.00